Trusted by industry leaders

Launch a powerful, personalized portal in minutes

  • Drag and drop components on to existing pages or start from scratch
  • Adjust component settings to meet your needs
  • Add your own styling and theming
  • Components dynamically update with real-time Salesforce data
  • AODA and WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliant
  • APIs available to connect to mobile app

Launch a powerful, personalized portal in minutes

  • Drag and drop components on to existing pages or start from scratch
  • Adjust component settings to meet your needs
  • Add your own styling and theming
  • Components dynamically update with real-time Salesforce data
  • AODA and WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliant
  • APIs available to connect to mobile app

Effortlessly customize your portal with drag-and-drop modules

Member Overview

Enable program members to follow their performance, points balance, tier, and badges earned.

Activity Feed

Display a list of the last activities performed like incentive completion, redemption, course completion, module passed, promotion to a new tier and reward received.


Allow members to access a list of incentives, enroll accordingly, track their performance, and view the rewarding scheme.


Enable members to test their product knowledge, brand awareness, selling acumen etc. Each course can be broken down into Modules which they need to complete before moving to the next level.

Rewards Notification

Send notifications for new rewards, program level or when rank gets updated.

Member Profile

Allow members to see their profile information as well as update any field allowed by Administrators.


Allow members to view their leaderboard position and score in the incentive they are currently participating in


Show a list of badges as well as the incentive in which they earned it.


Provide useful information such as member selector, currencies, tiers, available incentives, leaderboard and badge information.

Watch how easy is to launch an engaging portal experience with Fielo's components

We got you covered if you don’t have Salesforce Experience Cloud (Communities). Connect Salesforce to Fielo’s own CMS portal technology which includes pre-built widgets to display content to users

Ready to build a portal that motivates and engages?